Others are our Mirrors

Dear one,

When someone hurts your feelings
makes your blood boil
or upsets you in any way
Please remember to take a step back
and look within.
Others are a mirror to us
showing us every little place in ourselves
that is still unknown and unloved.
People can’t hurt us without our permission,
and we often give that permission
because we somehow believe that what they say
about us is true.
Why is that?
Why do you believe you are anything less than magnificent?
We all mess up sometimes or feel stuck,
does that really take away our inate worth?
The truth is,
you are worthy.
You deserve the good.
You are perfect, just as you are.
We cannot make any real changes,
Until we have accepted and loved every little part
of ourselves.
So let other people be your guide to your inner state of being,
know that they are here for a reason. 
Play with it, explore.
Everything is.
Everything is just as it’s supposed to be.
And you, dear one,
are stronger than you think you are.


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